Andrew Wood This series of articles will give basic information about those objects beyond our solar system. These stars, star clusters, nebulae and galaxies are given the collective name of continue...
C/2024 G3 Atlas was first discovered in April 2024 by NASA’s Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System. It is an Oort Cloud Comet, thought to originate from a sphere of icy continue...
The solar minimum between cycles 24 and 25 (the period when the sun is least active) happened in December 2019, when the 13-month smoothed sunspot number fell to 1.8, according continue...
Tianjara is located 47 km south west of Nowra, it is a class two dark sky, and 768 metres above sea level. Tianjara’s only attraction is a large waterfall, a continue...
A large asteroid just zipped between Earth and the Moon Astronomers missed the asteroid until it was nearly on top of them, but the space rock has already passed harmlessly continue...
Astronomers Get the Goods on Jupiter-Smacking Space Rock By Mike Wall 3 days ago Science & Astronomy Looks like the impactor was an asteroid, not a comet. Image of Jupiter processed from images continue...
Amateur Detection Amateur astronomers can detect exoplanets from their back yards! While finding new planets is probably not possible from a backyard telescope, the professionals have a list of known planets continue...
Massive storm pulls ices from Saturn’s depths Cassini spacecraft images show the development of the largest storm seen on the planet since 1990. On Saturn, not only are storms much continue...
DSLR Camera Settings for Astrophotography Camera controls and functions in the Canon 1000D (Digital Rebel XS) are accessed via a variety of buttons on the top and back of the continue...
Quick Start Guide Part 1 for Beginner Digital Astrophotography If you have a digital camera and want to try your hand at astrophotography, but don’t really know where to continue...