Observatory Data

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The Essentials…

Title Description Document Link
Checklists Essential actions to start up and shutdown the observatory and its systems. Checklists
Lock Box Operating instructions for the lockbox Lock Box Instructions
CEM120 Manual The Operating Manual for the IOptron CEM120 mount. Elements highlighted in RED should not be exercised without advice from the observatory managers. IOptron CEM120 Manual


Title Description Document Link
Observatory Overview A summary of the systems and equipment in the observatory. Observatory Overview
Manual Visual Observing Core elements of manual use of the observatory for visual observing Manual Visual Observing
Basic Computer Assisted Observing Basic use of computer applications to assist in the location of objects of interest. Basic Computer Assisted Observing
Advanced Computer Assisted Observing Using advanced applications to do basic automation and assist in the acquisition of images. Coming Soon…
N.I.N.A. Advanced automation methods using the N.I.N.A. application. Coming Soon…
Remote Operations Accessing and operating the observatory from elsewhere. Coming Soon…

Equipment Manuals…

Title Description Document Link
MaxDome II Describes the operations of the Dome & Shutter control system. MaxDome II
Esprit 100 Instructions for the use and configuration of the SkyWatcher Esprit 100 APO. Esprit 100
RC-14A Instructions for the use and configuration of the GSO 14″ RC. GSO RC-14A
Evostar 72 Instructions for the use and configuration of the SkyWatcher Evostar 72 APO. Coming soon…
Prodigy Focuser Describes the behaviour, configuration and operation of the Pegasus Prodigy motorised focuser. Prodigy Focuser
Falcon Rotator Describes the behaviour, configuration and operation of the Pegasus Falcon motorised rotator. Falcon Rotator
ZWO 183MC Pro Provides the characteristics of the ZWO ASI183MC Pro cooled camera. ZWO183 Pro
ZWO 585MC Provides the characteristics of the ZWO ASI585MC camera. ZWO 585
DC Control Hub Instructions for the use and configuration of the xxx DC Control Hub. DC Control Hub
AC Inverter Instructions for the use and configuration of the xxx 700W AC Inverter. AC Inverter
Observatory PC Describes the behaviour, configuration and operation of the observatory control PC. Coming soon…
TP Link Network Hub Describes the behaviour, configuration and operation of the TL-SG116 hub. TP-Link Hub
TP Link Wireless AP Instructions for the use and configuration of the Archer Wireless AP. Archer AP
Ubiquiti Nano M2 Instructions for the use and configuration of the xxx wireless link Nano M2
Cloud Sensor II Describes the behaviour, configuration and operation of the xxx environmental sensing device. Coming Soon…

Amateur astronomers from Shoalhaven Australia.